Since then I've spent many happy years supporting women through fertility, pregnancy and birth and so it is with very mixed feelings I look for the words to find out 'how to end'.
I'm not completely turning my back on this amazing work as I launched The Wise Hippo Birthing Programme with my wonderful business partner Tamara Cianfini in May 2013. However, instead of working directly with expectant clients my role is now training and supporting our many brilliant Wise Hippo Instructors.
This hasn't been the only change that has happened to me in the last couple of years. In January 2014, after a year of assessment, my daughter was diagnosed with Autistim Spectrum Disorder. Having already had a very difficult year in school, and with her headmaster saying he didn't feel that they were the right school for her going into year 3 (correctly so), I made the decision to home educate her.
Something had to give...
That something is the client facing/therapy side of my work - Tums 2 Mums. Whilst it is sad it also feels very right. I know I've made a huge difference to many peoples lives over the years but I also know that I can continue making a difference through The Wise Hippo.
I will also find more time to write on my other blog Evan in a Box about my life with my gorgeous, eccentric little girl, who has benefitted so much from home education, along with the amazing support from CASPA.
So there will be no more blogposts but please do use the knowledge and freebies contained within the posts that I've written over the years.
If you are pregnant and looking for fantastic birth preparation check out The Wise Hippo Directory.
If you are a parent with a unique kid (not necessarily ASD) you may like to join me on my Facebook group 'Your Unique Kid'.
So that's it, 'how to end' :-)
Wishing all readers of my blog the best in achieving all your dreams and desires.
Good bye xxx

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