Saturday, 29 January 2011

Flip a coin technique

Sometimes when I am working with a client they find that the cancel technique is not enough to help them move from a place of negativity and worry to one of positive thought. And I can appreciate that when you are really low, it is not always easy to imagine a wonderful event or experience in your life, just because you know that by doing so you are no longer able to focus on all your concerns and worries. It is just too big a leap!

The good news however is that there is another very simple yet powerfully effective way of diluting the worries. I call it the 'flip a coin' technique.

The idea is that your negative and positive thoughts about a particular subject are actually two sides of the same coin.

  • So you start off on the negative side of the coin and 'ALLOW' yourself to feel all that negativity as much as you do - really experience it in that moment. Then you flip the coin over and whilst on the positive side you IMAGINE the BEST it can possibly be. The absolute BEST in can be - in that moment.
  • Then flip the coin back over again and notice that you feel different - it may be slight but you DO feel differently.
  • Then once again, feel whatever negativity there is in the moment - how you feel right now. Then flip the coin back over and once again IMAGINE the BEST it can possibly be. The absolute BEST in can be - in that moment.
  • Then flip the coin back over and once again notice that you feel different - perhaps noticing a bit more of a difference this time.
  • Then once again feel whatever negativity there is. Then flip the coin back over and once again IMAGINE the BEST it can possibly be. The absolute BEST it can be - in that moment.
  • Then flip the coin back over and once again notice that you feel different - by now you will becoming quite amazed at how effective this technique is.

Simply carry on flipping the coin from one side to the next until you have completely watered down the negativity and are feeling positive once again.

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This is one of many ways I support my clients both face-to-face and using Skype. If you would like to know more please visit my website

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  1. What a simply way to try and disperse negative feelings.
    I am going to try this next time I am In my negative mood...

    Thank you for sharing.

  2. Hi firstimehitched sorry this has taken me so long to reply to. I'm glad you like it the technique. Have you given it a go yet?
