This programme has been designed using my extensive
knowledge as a hypnotherapist, my work as a Hypnobirthing practitioner,
feedback gained from couples who have attended both Hypnobirthing classes and
private Hypnosis for Childbirth sessions with me and attending women during
their labours. Not to mention my own amazing labour and birth.
What is the purpose of this programme?
In an ideal world all women who want to attend
Hypnobirthing classes would have access to them. Sadly this is not the
case and despite practitioners offering payment plans and discounts they are
still not affordable for so many. My aim therefore with this programme is
to bring hypnosis techniques that support childbirth to the masses. I
believe that by offering this programme at such a fantastic price that
it will be easily affordable for some and ‘in reach’ for others. I have
been able to offer it at this amazing price by making it an online product
bringing you aproduct of quality that is great value for money.
What will I get?
* A 50 page
* 9 x Hypno
4 Birth mp3s
* Personal
support from me via my on line forum
What will I learn?
* How fear and anxiety negatively affect your birthing hormones.
* How to change negative thinking habits and beliefs to positive ones that support your desire to
have a calm, comfortable birth experience.
* How to tap into your own natural birthing instincts.
* What hypnosis is and what it isn't.
* The impact the mind and your imagination has upon your body and what you experience.
* A variety of techniques to use during your pregnancy to prepare your mind and body for a positive
birth experience, including ‘eyes open hypnosis’.
* How your birth companion can support you.
* How to use the techniques during labour and birth
* How fear and anxiety negatively affect your birthing hormones.
* How to change negative thinking habits and beliefs to positive ones that support your desire to
have a calm, comfortable birth experience.
* How to tap into your own natural birthing instincts.
* What hypnosis is and what it isn't.
* The impact the mind and your imagination has upon your body and what you experience.
* A variety of techniques to use during your pregnancy to prepare your mind and body for a positive
birth experience, including ‘eyes open hypnosis’.
* How your birth companion can support you.
* How to use the techniques during labour and birth
How does the programme work?
The course has been designed for you to follow over a 6 week
(if you are later on in your pregnancy than this allows you can work at a
pace that is appropriate for your needs, women have started as late as
38 weeks and still used the techniques successfully).
(if you are later on in your pregnancy than this allows you can work at a
pace that is appropriate for your needs, women have started as late as
38 weeks and still used the techniques successfully).
There are five basic elements to the programme:
1. Relaxation
2. Breathing
3. Letting go of negative thoughts and emotions
4. Positive conditioning
5. Directing and changing sensations in the body
Each week you will learn specific techniques and carry
out assignments that incorporate these 5 elements. You will then
be guided to listen to the appropriate mp3(s) to support your learning and
practice for that week. At the end of your training period there is a maintenance
programme for you to follow.
5,4,3,2,1 Progressive Relaxation (track
length: 12.30 minutes)
This technique is simple, yet very powerful and supports the breathing
techniques you will learn in the programme. You can read more about it on
my blog and can experience it
for free.
Birth Affirmations (track
length: 6.02 minutes)
This mp3 provides a structured way to practise new positive thoughts and
you can enjoy it for free
Cloak of Protection (track
length: 12.19 minutes)
Teaching you a simple yet effective technique to protect you from
outside negative influences.
Fear and Emotion Release Hypnotic Session (track length: 29.39 minutes)
When you are in labour and giving birth to your
baby any stress, anxiety or fear that you have, can actually change how the
muscles in your uterus are designed to work. Instead of the muscles that
need to dilate being relaxed they instead constrict and tighten and it is this
that causes the great discomfort that we hear about during labour. This
powerful hypnotic session will enable you to release any emotional issues,
fears and concerns that you have, clearing your mind of all potential
negativity, in order to enable you to focus on your labour and birth in a
positive confident way.
Natural Calm Relaxation mp3 (track
length: 26.05 minutes)
Using a combination of colour and nature ‘Natural Calm’ will help keep
you calm, confident and relaxed during your pregnancy, labour and birth
Glove Relaxation mp3 (track length: 34.09 minutes)
The Glove Relaxation mp3 takes you through a guided visualisation that focuses on creating a numbness similar to the sensations that you would have should you dip your hand into a bucket of icy slush. It will teach you how to numb your hand and then how to transfer that numbness around your body. ‘Glove Relaxation’ is designed to take you into a very deep state of relaxation that will help you to manage any discomfort should you have it during your pregnancy. It can then also be used to create numbness around the area in which you are feeling your surges during labour detaching you from the sensations so that you are only aware of pressure, tightening or pulling up.
Glove Relaxation mp3 (track length: 34.09 minutes)
The Glove Relaxation mp3 takes you through a guided visualisation that focuses on creating a numbness similar to the sensations that you would have should you dip your hand into a bucket of icy slush. It will teach you how to numb your hand and then how to transfer that numbness around your body. ‘Glove Relaxation’ is designed to take you into a very deep state of relaxation that will help you to manage any discomfort should you have it during your pregnancy. It can then also be used to create numbness around the area in which you are feeling your surges during labour detaching you from the sensations so that you are only aware of pressure, tightening or pulling up.
Cushion of Comfort (track length: 20.18 minutes)
As you listen to this mp3 you will discover how to manage any discomfort during your pregnancy, learning how to create a comforting, tingling, warmth within your hand of choice that will represent your powerful endorphins (your body’s natural pain relief) and then using your breath you will be able to spread those sensations to any part of your body that you want to make more comfortable. Setting those endorphins to work, healing, relaxing soothing. And with practice you will easily be able to tap into these sensations and use them during labour to create a lovely warm, tingling, cushion of comfort around your abdomen and lower back enabling you to feel calm and at ease during your surges and so confident and in control.
Surges with the Sea Birth Rehearsal Imagery (track length: 30.03 minutes)
As the name suggests this mp3 uses the imagery of
the waves of the sea for you to focus on and relax with during your surges when
you are having your baby. Many women find a connection with the sea and a
link to the waves as their bodies are moving in their own wave like motion and
by focussing on your sea of peace you will allow your conscious minds to drift
off and relax leaving your body and baby to concentrate on their role without
any interference from you.
Listening to this regularly during your third
trimester will support your positive expectation of birth and enable you to
relax deeply by your sea of peace during labour and birth.
Hypno 4 Soundrack (track length: 15.02 minutes)
Whilst listening to all of the other mp3s in this programme you will be subconsciously linking deep relaxation with the music that is being played in the background. It is therefore available on it’s own for you to listen to during your labour should you wish.
The mp3s are also available to purchase separately in order for
you to enhance any other way in which you have learnt about hypnosis for
How does the online forum work?
I am co-admin on a wonderful board on and
what I love about the time I give to this board is providing the opportunity
for those who are unable to attend a course to ask questions as they learn
about hypnobirthing. From the many private and public messages of thanks
that I get that personal support really does make all the difference. It
is therefore important to me that I provide an opportunity for
anyone using this Home Study Programme to have access to support.
You will therefore be sent an invitation to my private Hyp 'n Happening
Facebook Group where you can post any questions you may have and meet other mums
and mums-to-be using hypnosis for their birth preparations.
How will I receive the programme?
Once you have purchased your Hypno 4 Birth Home Study Programme you will
receive a separate email with a link to a Folder containing your workbook, mp3s
and details on how to join the online forum. Please check your Junk Mail
if this has not been received within 24 hours as your email provider may have
inadvertently blocked the email.
Email me at dany @
All profits of this programme go to CASPA a charity who run a variety of clubs for children with Autism, and without whose support our family would not be able to cope.
Email me at dany @
All profits of this programme go to CASPA a charity who run a variety of clubs for children with Autism, and without whose support our family would not be able to cope.