Sunday, 26 July 2009
'Long Overdue'

Feeling Proud
"I had a fantastic birth and cannot recommend Dany's MP3's highly enough.
Here's a link to her shop http://www.tums2mums.com/index_files/HypnotherapyProducts.htm

Wednesday, 22 July 2009
OMG I'm a mum
- Foot stall
- Cushions for you and to place baby on whilst feeding
- TV remote
- Mobile phone
- Telephone
- Drink
- Snacks
- Book
- Magazine
- Muslin for those wonderful little (little yeah right) spit ups
Sunday, 19 July 2009
Natural Induction for labour
Friday, 17 July 2009
Fantastic new birth story I just had to share
I finally have a few minutes to share our wonderful BS. Firstly I would like to say that our lives have been truly blessed by one of the most unselfish, caring people I have ever met ~ Dany Hypnomummy. She has given her time energy; passion unconditionally- thank you will never be enough.
I know that Dany gives her time and energy not only to me but to everyone she is in contact with- My DH and I wanted to give something back and have Dany present at our birth- alas Dany knocked at the door seconds after baby was born.
Our birth was practically EVERYTHING that I had visualised and dreamed about and so much more. I woke up Monday morning had a few tightening’s but thought nothing more than BH. I had a chat with Dany on the phone- such a gorgeous chat... Dany saying I can't believe we are talking about your birth like this - its going to be amazing. We were laughing and joking- something which featured so much throughout the day.
I had some great quality time playing with Hannah- when Hannah went for a nap I phoned my DH to say I was having tightening’s and I would like him home.... I then went and relaxed and listened to natural calm... no more tightening’s. Darn I thought I have got him home on a false alarm.
When DH did get home the tightening’s were every 10mins- I spoke to Dany who said don't worry about phoning the MW they won't be concerned at this stage (I already had- and she was right!) go and enjoy your afternoon and call me later if you need to". That's exactly what we did Hannah and DH had a water fight in the garden - there was so much love and happiness it was fab!
We discussed with DH if we should call grandparents, friends to take Hannah but as I had said on so many occasions my ideal would be to put Hannah to bed and for her to wake in the morning to her new baby. This is exactly what we did - I cooked dinner, we ate as a family and put Hannah to bed (7.40pm). During dinner I was having surges and would just close my eyes and breath through them- Hannah looked concerned so Daddy said I was so tired I was sleeping which made her giggle.
I cleaned away the dishes through surges and my DH started filling the birth pool- something he wanted to do much earlier, I was in denial and hadn’t let him….
This is when surges were every 5mins- I called the MW and she said she was on her way, I called Dany about 10-15mins later and said I was struggling. Looking back I wasn’t struggling, as such I just didn’t realise how advanced in my birthing I was. I was struggling filling my balloon but my DH told me to stop trying and just to breath through it- Dany had spoken to me that morning about humming- which I started to do (well more moaning and groaning!)- It was brilliant.
I will forever have this image of my DH running back and forward with a yellow bowl frantically filling the birth pool whilst me stop him every surge so he could give my light touch massage and then telling him to get back to filling the pool up.
The MW arrived and I do feel sorry she arrived in to our little mayhem- she started talking about contractions- DH said please call them surges. Whilst she was feeling my tummy I had an urge to be sick- DH had to step in and ask her to give me some space. She was quite insistent on wanting to listen to the baby’s heartbeat, which I was happy to do but just not right now. After being sick (that’ll teach me for gorging myself at dinner!) I felt a bit better. The mw was writing her notes so I asked her to exam me- to my absolute joy I was told that I was 9cm.
9cm- it still makes me cry with happiness now! I have read so many wonderful BS where the birthing mother arrived at 9cm without knowing- this is something I had also visualised so many times I wanted to happen to me. I was elated and remember saying to my DH "Quick get the video camera film this we are having our baby we are really having our baby"
I hopped into the birth pool (it wasn’t full or up to temp something we didn’t realise) it was however bliss. I was listening to Dany’s natural calm again- the bit about "you maybe aware of sounds around you"- I was joking with DH saying "that’ll be running water then" – he then went on to tease my moaning and groaning which made me laugh. I then had the urge to bear down… the mw told me not to and to breath through it- I wasn’t ready apparently….
She went and sat down in the other room. I was in all four’s bearing down, when I shouted I can feel my babies head (it was crowning). The mw came back and said no that’s just your waters breaking- she walked away and sat down at which point Senna (with two small surges) quite literally shot out with just me and my lovely DH present. She shot out the wrong way through my legs so I couldn’t catch her- a little bit of commotion followed getting Senna out of the water – poor thing was placed on my back whilst the cord was cut- during which I heard a knock at the door- I knew it was Dany who missed the birth quite literally by seconds. The second mw never made it either.
A few minutes later we were cuddling on the sofa with our gorgeous baby girl Senna Alexandra weighing 7lb 5 ½ at 9.35pm. We think I was in established labour for just over 2 hours. The mw didn’t even catch the time she was born so my DH had to play back the video tape to get the time! I had visualised my DH and Dany laughing throughout our birth- as Dany said it was after the birth that we got this lovely time and not during.
Millions of thanks to Dany for helping to clear up and it was so special having you thereish! and something I will never forget.
Sorry this is so long but thanks for reading! My advice would be live, breath, be hypnobirthing, practice, practice, practice and visualise the birth that you want- this was all key in our wonderful birth. Oh and let your birthing partner get organised as soon as – don’t interfere like me- things would have been slightly easier had this been done earlier and if you are so lucky to have someone like Dany attending your birth- call them sooner than later!!
Clare Mummy to two gorgeous girls Hannah (2 1/2) and Senna (5 days old) Perfect home hypno water birth.
Thursday, 16 July 2009
Understanding how the body is designed to work during labour and birth
Every time I start a HypnoBirthing or Hypnosis for Childbirth course I actually feel a little sad. If we hadn’t been so brainwashed into believing that our bodies were flawed in some way I would not need to be teaching these courses at all. Unfortunately, as each generation tells stories of how awful birth is and as individual women give birth and share their own horror stories amongst friends and relatives, this all adds to the negative conditioning that leads women to believing that they have to endure horrific pain during childbirth unless they opt for the pain relieving drugs that are available. Marie Mongan, the founder of HypnoBirthing calls this 'Universal Conditioning'.
The good news is that the muscles of the uterus are actually designed in the same way as all of our other muscles. There are three sets of muscles within the uterus and the two that we are concerned with for birthing are the inner circular muscles found mainly at the lower part of the uterus and the outer longitudinal (vertical) muscles. The circular muscles need to thin and open what we know as dilation and this happens by the outer longitudinal muscles drawing them up. The vertical muscles also shorten and flex in a wave like motion to push the baby down. These two sets of muscles are designed to work in harmony, however, when a woman goes into labour with any fear, is stressed or anxious, or circumstances arise during her labour that create these emotional responses, stressor hormones called catecholamines are triggered setting off the ‘fight or flight’ response. This causes oxygen to move to those muscles that are required to give energy to enable an individual to either stand and fight or to run away, but when this is not appropriate as in a labouring woman, they instead act as constrictors. We see this in animals and know it to be a part of survival, enabling them to stop their babies coming until they reach a place of safety where they can then relax and allow their bodies to return to normal and birth their babies comfortably. But if the danger is perceived as is more likely the case of a labouring woman how does she ever reach that place of safety? Her subconscious believes she is in danger her circular muscles become tense and tighten but the vertical muscles continue to pull up, quite simply it is this that causes the great discomfort you hear about during labour. Unfortunately, oxygen is moving away from the uterus and therefore the baby and the baby’s head is also being forced against a taught muscle, both of which can lead to foetal distress. Because the cervix is resistant this can also lead to what is medically known as ‘failure to progress’ both of which can cause midwives and/or doctors to want to use intervention to move things along.
There is good news though, when you are fully relaxed and without fear as you go into labour the stressor hormones cannot be present and instead it enhances the ability of the bodies natural pain killer, your endorphins which are 200 times the effect of morphine. When your endorphins are fully stimulated during labour and birth they will actually help prevent your nerve cells from releasing pain signals, and will also provide you with a feeling of power and control as your progress through your birthing, creating a wonderful amnesiac effect and a fantastic sense of well being
The hypnosis techniques learnt, either by attending a HypnoBirthing or Hypnosis for Childbirth course with me or following my downloadable mp3 programme, will help you remain calm and relaxed and therefore enable your body to function as it is designed to do during labour and birth. This combined with making sure that you have supportive people around you, a relaxing environment and that you have carried out a fear release exercise will all give you the best opportunity to have a comfortable birth experience.
To find out more have a look at my site www.tums2mums.com
Friday, 10 July 2009
IT geeks make good husbands
Now because this now meant the server that my website is hosted on is no longer in our house I have to publish it in a different way. Unfortunately, something got lost in translation and all my spaces, pound signs and other symbols turned into little question marks. There were loads scattered over every page. My darling husband however wasn't phased and as usual found a solution. Problem solved.
Jim really does put so much work into making sure everything works when it comes to my email (including access on my phone), my website and any other technical problem that rears its ugly head. Stuff that would be so tiresome for me if not impossible in many cases should I have to deal with them myself.
Thanks darling.
Monday, 6 July 2009
Teaching dads how to use massage during pregnancy and labour
But the best part of it was (no offense family) my lovely day spent with Katie Whitehouse of Vital Touch. I had booked a course with her to learn how to teach dads to use massage during pregnancy and labour. It was supposed to be a group course but luckily for me, as a group of midwives had transferred on to her December course, it turned out to be just for me. I'm proud to say that Katie felt it was meant to be and appeared to enjoy our day together too (which is brilliant because of course for her it meant putting in the same amount of effort but for a lot less cash).
I felt totally relaxed and at ease the second I met Katie as she peered over the top of the stairs to greet me in the lovely relaxing Vital Touch premises. We chatted about ourselves for a bit getting to know each other and quickly realising how much we had in common and then we moved on to the more structured part of the day. Although, it quickly became unstructured as at almost every turn we found how similar our teachings were, Katie using the power of touch and me teaching how powerfully we can use our minds. So we kept digressing and sharing stories and were busy scribbling extra notes on how each ones specialism could support what we were teaching with our own.
First and foremost we are both teaching how a relaxed mother (through hypnosis and/or massage) will be able to inhibit the production of the stressor hormone that will cause the muscles of the uterus to constrict and tighten and in turn cause great pain. Both hypnosis and massage can then further promote the stimulation of endorphins the body's natural pain relief (200 times the effect of morphine). Also, when your endorphins are fully stimulated during labour and birth they will actually help prevent your nerve cells from releasing pain signals in the first place.
Katie found it interesting how in HypnoBirthing we use 'anchors' (attaching the touch of the dads hand on the shoulder and the sound of his voice to a wonderfully relaxed state that can then be easily and quickly triggered during labour). There is a beautiful massage technique Katie calls the heart which can so easily include the shoulder anchor. Katie also suggests that the dads use gentle, loving prompts (as we do in HypnoBirthing reinforcing the anchor to the partners voice) as they are administering the massage. We then went on to discuss how smell can also trigger certain memories, feelings and emotional states. I had noticed that I kept drifting back to my front room as I was sitting listening to Katie and I soon realised that it was because I could smell her lovely massage oils that I had bought to sell in my online shop. So we went on to discuss how we could help women using smell. Because the labour massage oil contains clary sage which cannot be used until a pregnant woman is full term Katie advised that it would be lovely to burn a combination of sweet orange and lavender during my courses (and couples could also choose to do that when practising too). As lavender is also part of the blend in the labour massage oil it would therefore help to remind the mum of being in a lovely state of relaxation. Also, if she is not birthing at home it will bring some of her home comfort with her into the hospital room or midwife led unit.
Bringing the couple closer together and giving the dad the opportunity to feel a much bigger part of the pregnancy and labour is also another valuable benefit of using massage as too is the pre-natal bonding that occurs. I teach couples during the HypnoBirthing classes that babies can respond to what is going on in their environment and massage is another beautiful way for the dads to spend time bonding with their babies.
Katie asked me what had inspired me to attend the course. I said that when I had attended part of my friends labour I had found that sometimes there was either no room for or no need for words. I had simply laid a hand to show support, comfort or reassurance. It was really up to her to take on whatever message she chose from my touch. I could have inadvertently said something that didn't match her experience but with touch this couldn't happen. This is something that I now make dads very aware of although I also remind them that if the mum doesn't want to be touched at a particular time that they shouldn't take offense. When I'd found Katie's course I thought aha that is the missing link! There really is such a harmony between the use of hypnosis and massage during pregnancy and labour and I can't wait to start teaching it to my couples.
When we got on to the practical elements of the course Katie taught me how to teach dads extremely simple but incredibly effective massage techniques. How do I know how wonderful they are? Because Katie taught me by letting me experience them. Well I wanted to stop the course right there and then and just book a massage session - it was amazing. So quick, so simple, sooooooooooooooo lovely.
I left fully prepared with a set of course notes and a powerpoint training presentation all of which Katie said I could and should adapt to work with my hypnosis techniques. I am incredibly excited and looking forward to having some time this week to pull together what I have learnt and perhaps write a new script that will work beautifully with some of the lovely visualisations that Katie has included.
I'm going to be meeting up with one of my HypnoBirthing couples this weekend and will be giving them a freebie session to practise my new skills. And if I'm incredibly lucky and the timings work out I will be attending the birth of another HypnoBirthing mum and so will be able to teach her husband 'on the job' so to speak. I will of course be posting more details of these as and when they happen.
If you are pregnant, or a dad keen to learn more about the power of massage for pregnancy and labour, look out for details of my new great course "Teaching dads how to use massage during pregnancy and labour" that I will soon be adding to my site http://www.tums2mums.com/.
If you are a Doula or an antenatal teacher be it HypnoBirthing, NCT, NHS or other check out http://www.vitaltouch.com/cgi-bin/vt.cgi?usr=65253&page=courses-2day.html