Although I’d like to pick up on a few points I made whilst reading the article
The article states that women with low-risk pregnancies are to be offered more choice and control over giving birth, as a result of these new guidelines.
Interesting to me that although this sounds positive, it still implies that there are times when a woman does not have a choice. They also give no indication of what they mean by ‘low-risk’. During HypnoBirthing® classes I teach my couples that they ALWAYS have a choice. That they have a right to ask questions! That they should have the opportunity to become well informed, have all of the facts given to them in a calm, measured way and then make decisions based on what is right for them and their baby. Everyone is different in terms of what they want and indeed where there levels of comfort lie. I would not presume to force my opinion on them and I don’t believe midwives or doctors should either.
The Keeping Childbirth Natural and Dynamic (KCND) guidance for doctors and midwives has stated that it will ensure midwives are the lead carers for women who have safe, low-risk pregnancies and births - the majority of women giving birth in Scotland.
Scottish Public Health Minister Shona Robison recently launched the guidance as she opened Perth Royal Infirmary's Women's Clinic and Midwife Unit.
She said:
"Pregnancy and birth are normal and natural. Most women have a straightforward, uncomplicated pregnancy and labour and don't need intense medical intervention.
What does she mean by intense? Why would there be a need for any intervention in a straightforward uncomplicated pregnancy and labour?
"Having a midwife as the main carer is totally appropriate for them, and it's also the best way to ensure that a woman is in control of her own pregnancy and care options.
And in control of her own labour and birth too I would hope!
"Scotland leads the way in putting women at the heart of care and supporting normal births. Most health boards already work this way, but the introduction of these guidelines will ensure the same high standard of care everywhere.
Bravo! – I hope that I have some Scottish readers who can relay some positive stories to back this up and you never know this strange idea that labour and birth are normal for the majority of women may just spread.
"Women whose pregnancies are assessed as being higher-risk will have their care led by an obstetrician and all women will continue to have the choice of where and how their pregnancy will be cared for."
Will the ‘higher-risk’ – whatever that might mean (I hear of women being put under higher-risk obstetrician care because they are 36 – oh sooooooooo old to be having a baby) definitely still have that choice?
The KCND clinical guidelines have been prepared by NHS Quality Improvement Scotland. This work included a three-month consultation. They represent the latest phase in the implementation of the programme, which was introduced in 2007.
So this is not completely new. If anyone out there can let me know what your experience of midwife / medical care is or was like during your pregnancy and birth I’d be very interested to hear your comments.
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